During his visit to Mexico City.

Mexican president say he made Trump Pay for Lunch

Mexican president say he made Trump Pay for Lunch
Septiembre 01, 2016 15:49 hrs.
Política ›
Andy Borowitz › diarioalmomento.com

MEXICO CITY (The Borowitz Report)—The war of words between Donald J. Trump and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto continued on Thursday as Peña Nieto vehemently asserted that he made the Republican Presidential nominee pay for lunch during his visit to Mexico City.

’As soon as we sat down to order, I made it very clear that I had no intention of paying for lunch,’ Peña Nieto said. ’And when the check arrived, I made absolutely no move to pick it up.’

To support his claim, Peña Nieto tweeted out a photo of himself seated at a table with an aggrieved-looking Trump, who appears to be placing an American Express card on top of a restaurant check.

Responding to the Mexican President’s claim, the Trump campaign issued a statement of its own. ’As anyone who has read ‘The Art of the Deal’ knows, Donald J. Trump is a master negotiator,’ the statement began. ’While he did pay for Peña Nieto’s lunch, he extracted a commitment from the Mexican President to pick up the check the next time they go to dinner. It’s a well-established fact that dinner is far, far more expensive than lunch. Yet again, Donald Trump entered into a negotiation and won big.’

Minutes after the Trump campaign released its statement, Peña Nieto took to Twitter again, where he indicated he had ’no intention’ of ever having dinner with Trump.

Andy Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. He writes the Borowitz Report for newyorker.com. MORE

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Mexican president say he made Trump Pay for Lunch

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