
Bitmain S19 XP Hyd Bitmain KA3 BitmaiL7 KA3 ,Canaan Avalon Goldshell, iPollo, iBeLink ,Jasminer Whatsminer, Innosilicon Asic Gpu

Bitmain Antminer KS3 8.3TH 3188W (KAS) Miner
Bitmain Antminer KA3 (166Th)
Bitmain Antminer S19 XP Hyd (255Th)
stock Antminer S19 Pro 110T with PSU
iPollo G1
iPollo V1 Mini Classic Plus
Bitmain Antminer S19 XP (140Th)
Jasminer X4 Q
AnexMiner ET7
stock Antminer S19J Pro
stock Antminer L3+
stock Antminer T19
stock Antminer E3 + PSU
stock Antminer E9 + PSU
stock Innosilicon A6+ LTC Master with PSU
stock Bitmain Antminer Z8 with PSU
Stock Avalon A1246 83T with PSU
Stock Goldshell LT5 Pro 2445M with PSU
Stock Innosilicon A10 PRO ETH Miner 720-800 MH/s (ETH
Stock Goldshell KD5 Miner 18T with PSU
Stock Whatsminer M31S 74T with PSU
Stock StrongU Asic 12.8TH/s Miner with PSU Asic Miner
Stock Whatsminer M30S 90T with PSU
Stock Whatsminer M50S 90T with PSU
Stock Ebang Ebit E9 Pro 25T with PSU
Stock Avalon A1166 pro 81T
Stock Antiminer L7 9.16GH ,
Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro+ Hyd (198Th)
Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro Hyd (177Th)

Mining Rig Graphics Card
Benchtop power supplies
Bitcoin Miner Machine
Litecoin Miner Machine
Ethereum Miner Machine
Dogecoin ASIC Miner
Goldshell ASIC Miner
Whatsminer Bitcoin Miner


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Anuncio publicado el 11 de Julio de 2023

Belén, Concepción, Paraguay

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Examen COLBACH para bachillerato

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